About the Alberta Chambers of Commerce
Since 1937, the Alberta Chambers of Commerce (ACC) has worked to complement the advocacy, networking, and membership benefit efforts of local chambers members. As the leading voice on business issues, the Alberta Chambers of Commerce currently represents a growing number of community chambers of commerce, which in turn represent the business interests of over 24,000 members in all the Federal and Provincial electoral districts. The Alberta Chambers of Commerce also consists of over 80 corporate members, who support the efforts of both their community chamber of commerce and the Alberta Chambers of Commerce.
Why you want to join
Business planning requires long-term vision and the ability to predict and respond to government policies in a timely manner. Every company invests a certain amount of time and resources to assess the impact of government on their operations. Your ability to advocate your concerns to the provincial or federal governments often requires a cost and level of commitment that cannot be undertaken alone. We can help you stay abreast of the current issues affecting business.
In addition to being the voice of business, Alberta Chambers of Commerce provides corporate members a wide-range of benefits designed to gain visibility, offer networking opportunities and allow access to key government officials.