The Belize Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) is the largest private sector membership based organization in Belize. Founded in 1920, the Chamber has been consistently championing the causes of its private sector constituency and considers among its primary objectives the social and economic development of Belize through the development of all sectors of industry, commerce and services. Additionally, since 1997, the Chamber is the only recognized “Employers Organization” in Belize under the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) tri-partite social partnership. Currently, the BCCI boasts a fluctuating membership of more than three hundred (300) Belizean businesses from a wide cross-section of the agricultural, productive, service and industrial sectors. The BCCI’s mandate is legally enshrined in Chapter 308 of the Laws of Belize under the Belize Chamber of Commerce & Industry Act. The specific objectives of the organization are as follows:
To foster the economic growth and social well being of the nation through the free enterprise system at all levels, by promoting and protecting, both nationally and internationally, commerce, and all sectors of industry which includes agri-business, tourism and manufacturing, the professions and the trades; To continually strive to enhance the Chamber’s ability to better serve its members whilst operating as a self-sustaining, non-profit, non-political organization. Directed by an elected twelve member Executive Council (EC) derived from the general membership, the Chamber has a full-time administrative staff of fifteen who create, implement and monitor the programs of the Chamber and its “for profit” subsidiary units. (See organizational chart.)
As the voice of the business community, we are the country’s leading advocate for private enterprise, promoting economic vitality and quality of life in Belize.
To contribute to the sustainable development of Belize through effective representation of the business community.
In 2010, BCCI adopted its Triple C Philosophy: To Connect, Capacitate, Champion. We Connect by making meaningful networking and connections between members nationally, regionally and internationally. We Capacitate by strengthening skills, abilities and processes that organizations need to adapt and thrive in a rapidly changing world. On behalf of our members, we Champion their issues to encourage a healthy business environment. As a member of the Belize Chamber of Commerce and Industry, you will be provided with the opportunity to make an impact on critical business and community issues. Together we can build leading businesses and better communities! Meet the Secretariat below: