Camrose & District Chamber of Commerce

Camrose & District Chamber of Commerce


About Us

The Camrose & District Chamber of Commerce has always stood for promoting business; monitoring municipal, provincial and federal governments; and championing managed growth in the local economy. By investing in your local Chamber of Commerce, you invest in your own prosperity – both as a businessperson and as a member of the community.


Chamber of Commerce

A Chamber of Commerce is a non-profit organization designed to meet community or area needs. It is a voluntary organization of progressive individuals and businesses that work together to advance the commercial, financial, industrial, and civic interests of a community


What does a Chamber do?

The Chamber of Commerce is the voice of business. The Chamber of Commerce is a catalyst – a common vehicle mobilizing enlightened members from all segments of the business community who work together for the common good of the community, with the aim of achieving economic success.  Staff, volunteers and business people strive to keep their area’s economic conditions at a level where businesses and residents willingly and enthusiastically risk their capital in their community in the hope of making a profit.

Everything else the Chamber does is a means to an end (events, mixers, fundraisers and meetings).


Who Funds the Chamber of Commerce?

The Chamber of Commerce is funded by the membership with the assistance of fundraising activities such as: Jaywalker’s Jamboree, Business Excellence Awards, Kick’N Country Parade, and the Chamber Corporate Christmas Party.


Who Runs the Chamber?

A Board of Directors, elected by the Chamber Members, runs the organization. The Board, serving as volunteers, sets the policies and goals of the organization, and the Chamber Staff work with the Board to conduct the business of the Chamber.


What do the Volunteers Do?

Our volunteers provide the ideas, the drive, the goals, the funds and the voluntary services to keep the Chamber of Commerce motivated and operating.


Do Members ever disagree with what the Chamber does?

The only way for the Chamber to avoid disagreement on some ground is to do nothing at all, or do only those rare things in which everybody agrees. That would mean a meaningless or feeble program of activity. As a member, you have the privilege of a vote in every project undertaken.


What is the Benefit of Membership?

The major benefit of membership is that the Chamber of Commerce acts as the united voice of businesses. The Chambers of Commerce also provide our members with value-added programs available only to members (i.e. merchant rates, comprehensive group insurance, courier and natural gas to name a few). The savings from these programs often offsets the cost of membership.

Strong membership involvement in its activities will increase the impact and effectiveness of the organization. Chamber of Commerce membership is an investment in the present and future of the individual’s and the community’s welfare.


What is the Benefit of a Chamber to the Community?

In any community, it is from the profitable operation of business that all other benefits result. Only by succeeding in this fundamental goal can a community provide the jobs and produce the wealth to finance all of the cultural, charitable, and various other needs a community is faced with every day.

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