French Association of Clothing Industry (UFIH)

French Association of Clothing Industry (UFIH)


About The French Association of Clothing Industry (UFIH)

The Union Française des Industries de l’Habillement (French Association of Clothing Industry) – the editor of LaModeFranç – is the representative of a large sector of French economic activity. The Association groups 4 National Federations and 21 Regional Associations representing manufacturers, contractors and subcontractors and stands up for the whole trade. Responsible for the design and implementation of the industry’s main guidelines, UFIH intercedes with the French government, the Parliament and the civil services, in order to improve the competitiveness of its firms.

UFIH is a member of the Mouvement des Entreprises de France (Medef), Comité de Liaison des Industries de Main-d’Oeuvre (CLIMO), Comission Permanente de Concertation de l’Industrie, Comité National Anti-Contrefaçon and Association Européenne Textile-Habillement (Euratex). UFIH also plays an important role in the delivery of information to all the media and is an active partner of European authorities.

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