Karacabey Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a legal entity with the nature of a public institution, which fulfills the necessity within the framework of the authorities and responsibilities granted to it by the laws and the issues related to the trade and industry of the region and the country. The Chamber is in constant dialogue with the relevant authorities and institutions, organizations and persons in line with the economic interests of the region and the country. As a result, business people and corporations are actively involved in solving business problems. It continues its necessary initiatives as an institution on the issues that need to be resolved by the higher authorities. Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Karacabeyli tradesmen, merchants, industrialists and businessmen is an institution that has the common voice and power. With this adjective, it gives direction to the economy, industry and trade of the district. Importation and exportation, organizing seminars on trade and industry, informing its members, firms and industrial organizations with these methods, alerting the professional organizations to follow the rules of the profession, and implementing the decisions, are among the main duties of the Chamber. The establishment of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Karacabey brought dynamism to the industry’s trade and industry. Most of our industrial organizations (80%), which are still active, have completed their establishment under the leadership and support of the Chamber. The Chamber played a major role in bringing Karacabey’s economy, industry and trade to this stage. One of the basic tasks of the Chamber. The establishment of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Karacabey brought dynamism to the industry’s trade and industry. Most of our industrial organizations (80%), which are still active, have completed their establishment under the leadership and support of the Chamber. The Chamber played a major role in bringing Karacabey’s economy, industry and trade to this stage. One of the basic tasks of the Chamber. The establishment of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Karacabey brought dynamism to the industry’s trade and industry. Most of our industrial organizations (80%), which are still active, have completed their establishment under the leadership and support of the Chamber. The Chamber played a major role in bringing Karacabey’s economy, industry and trade to this stage.