Malaysian Air-Conditioning & Refrigeration Association (MACRA )

Malaysian Air-Conditioning & Refrigeration Association (MACRA )


About Malaysian Air-Conditioning & Refrigeration Association (MACRA)


We Seek To Establish And Provide Accountable Platform For The Enhancement Of Technology And Business In The Field Of ACMV & R Industries With Growing Regional Recognitions.


The objects for which MACRA is established are as follows:-
  • To promote the interest of ACMV & R industry in Malaysia
  • To coordinate and safeguard the activities of its members.
  • To build close liaison and relations with Government Authonties. professional bodies, manufacturers and suppliers.
  • To make MACRA membership an assurance to relevant parties in general of the skit, integrity arid responsibility of its members by requinng member with honorable reputation.
  • To encourage training and development of efficient employees in the ACMV & R industry.
  • To encourage and preserve by every moans skills, elevation in the standards of ACMV & R industry.
  • To recommend, maintain and improve conditions of contract/ agreements/ tender with relevant authonties and registered bodies.
  • To improve and elevate the standards of installation and servicing and to cooperate with authorities for the maintenance of proper standards.
  • To discuss and consider matters affecting the industry and disseminate such information / ideas to members.
  • To invest money of MACRA not immediately required.
  • To promote and encourage the acceptance of MACRA throughout Malaysia, to do all such other things to the attainment of the objectives of MACRA.

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