The Paraguayan American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) is an independent, nonprofit organization founded in 1981 by a group of American and local companies operating in Asuncion, Paraguay. It has become the premier organization of its kind in Paraguay with a membership of over 275 businesses and individuals. Its mission is to promote free trade and investment between Paraguay and the United States; constructively influence public policy, and offer the members the opportunity to be involved in carrying out socially valuable programs through membership in the Chambers Fundacion, which works in the education area.
To help carry out its goals and objectives, the Chamber is a member of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce through the Association of American Chambers of Commerce (AACCLA) and of CAMACOL, the Latin American Chamber located in Miami. In addition to offering the traditional services of a Chamber of Commerce, such as trade missions, seminars, and other events, AmCham Paraguay has worked closely with the U.S. Embassy on various projects aimed at improving protections for intellectual property rights and forming an organization called Pacto Etico Comercial, designed to promote ethical behavior in business practices. AmCham Paraguay has also taken the lead in forming a federation of bi-national chambers in order to amplify its message, improve the business climate and increase the number of voices advocating our goals.
Promote policies that contribute to improving the local business climate in order to augment trade and investment between Paraguay and the United States.
Respect for the law
Social responsibility.