SYNAA Syndicat National des Architectes Agrées Algériens

SYNAA Syndicat National des Architectes Agrées Algériens


Today our country is building a lot. Paradoxically, the exercise of our profession has never been so undermined as in this time of massive construction effort. Everyone is eyeing our side to make us the scapegoats of shocking and visible mediocrity. The shortcut is all found to make us take full responsibility, trivializing our status to better deal with the flaws that are the weakness of the construction sector in our country.
In the absence of strong corporate representations, our voice has become inaudible. Always giving way to our partners to invest in vacant spaces which they end up occupying unfortunately to our detriment.

Certain regulatory texts governing the Architect’s missions, in particular the interministerial decree of 05/15/1988, have become obsolete and therefore unsuitable. The role of the architect in the project management process therefore needs to be redefined. As projects become more complex, the use of multidisciplinary and specialized co-contractors is proving increasingly essential.

The low rates of remuneration for the project management place the architect in an endemic precariousness which has a direct impact on the quality of the studies and the monitoring of the work.

It is also regrettable to witness nowadays, impotent, a recurring amalgam, between architectural competitions and calls for tenders for supply or construction, through the development of standard specifications, unsuited to creative competition and technical and far removed from the very spirit of architectural consultation.

Therefore, any appointment with quality is seriously compromised.
Out of ignorance or interest, certain studies which, historically and universally, have been entrusted to the architect, are now being diverted to other trades, far from quality objectives.

Out of duty, therefore, and carried by a fraternal outburst, we beat the recall of our colleagues and our sisters for a salutary awareness to protect our noble profession.

– We who are the custodians of what is enshrined by law as the expression of a culture and of public utility, do not remain powerless.

– Let us refuse our marginalization in what engages us in the economic development of our dear country, Algeria.

For these reasons, we, a group of Chartered Architects, decide to use our constitutional right to come together in the framework of a union open to all architects registered on the national list of architects to mobilize all our energy in the defense of our moral and material interests in order to improve the conditions of exercise of our profession.

This union will be an additional way to make loud and clear the demands of Architects and contribute to the various debates in an organized and democratic framework. He proposes to represent the registered architects at the national level. He comes to lend a hand to the order of architects to overcome its crisis and defend loud and clear the interests of its members.

By defending our moral and material interests, we want to:

• Identify the difficulties of the Architect in the exercise of his profession, identify the corrective measures and bring the claims to the public authorities.
• Contribute to the development of regulatory texts governing the profession.
• Initiate any action beneficial to the material interests of its members
• Work for national and international recognition.
• Assist young professionals starting out.
• Contribute to improving the quality of university and professional training related to the sector.
• Become a civil party to defend the moral and material interests of its members.
• Set up a space for exchanges and communication at the service of its members and of architectural quality.

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