Master Builders Association Malaysia (MBAM)

Master Builders Association Malaysia (MBAM)


About Master Builders Association Malaysia (MBAM)

Master Builders Association Malaysia (MBAM) was founded in 1954 by a group of Malaysian pioneer master builders and contractors led by the late Founder President Tan Sri’ Dato Low Yat.

Since then MBAM has grown into an organized and cohesive umbrella organization, representing the construction industry and services sector in Malaysia dedicated towards promoting and developing the construction industry. It has earned international recognition and prominence through its affiliation with the International Federation of Asian and Western Pacific Contractor’s Associations (IFAWPCA), Confederation of International Contractors’ Association (CICA) and ASEAN Constructors Federation (ACF).

1988 marked an important milestone in the MBAM history in that the government approved its New Constitution and By-laws, which provided greater scope of participation in membership, with the creation of Associate Members. This category of membership is open to the 140 direct and indirect linkages to the construction industry such as specialist sub-contractors, building materials suppliers, manufacturers, trading companies and insurance brokers.

With the 140 linkages under MBAM’s wings, the Association is in much stronger position to present a single unifying voice to the relevant Government authorities and professional bodies for effective representation.

Members of MBAM also successfully and continue to supply global construction demand in more than 30 countries. In fact, Malaysia has made its mark in the Indian construction market. Other countries where our members have made their presence felt are China, Pakistan, Indonesia. Thailand, Brunei, Vietnam, Cambodia, Philippines, Singapore, Myanmar, Bahrain, Sri Lanka, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Sudan and South Africa.

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