The ADB-DutchCham strongly believes in our mission to inform, connect, and inspire professionals and companies in Singapore with a shared interest in Dutch business. Our members have access to our strong, engaged and active community for both Corporates and Individuals to network and exchange knowledge with peers. We organize informative and inspiring events and offer relevant content, trends and insights to succeed and lead in Singapore.​
To make sure that we offer our members what they ask for and it is easy for you to select the kind of event you are interested in. We can offer you a choice of three different kinds of events:
Connect Business: Are you interested in networking events to connect with co-professionals ​around certain topics? To make sure to look out for Connect Business symbol. This way you can join our Inter Chamber events, our Winsemius Awards, ​the New Years Reception and our networking lunches. ​​
For our Orange Members, we also offer the​ opportunity to connect in a more ​exclusive business setting (like our Orange Counsel series and cross ​functional top-to-top meetings). ​ ​
Connect Social: Are you interested in our social events like our famous Dinner & Dance, Kings Night, our Sport series, co-hosted Dutch Drinks and the Back in Town BBQ? Then be on the lookout for the Connect Social symbol. Here you will meet people while fellow professionals on a social occasion.
Inspire & Inform: Our calendar is mainly filled with inspiring events such as Business Lectures series, company visits, Economic Outlooks, sector innovations, new technologies, doing business in Singapore and the ASEAN region, KeyNote speakers about a variety of relevant topics. So if you are interested to be inspired and informed, make sure to check for the Inspire & Inform symbol.