Companies that have the right to carry out their activities in the field of telecommunications in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic can become members of the ALE “Association of Telecom Operators”.
Membership in the ALE “Association of Telecom Operators” can be valid and associated.
Admission to membership of the ALE “Association of Telecom Operators” is carried out by the decision of the general meeting of members of the ALE “Association of Telecom Operators” in the manner and on the conditions provided for by the Charter, on the basis of an application addressed to the Chairman of the Board of the ALE “Association of Telecom Operators”.
An application for membership of the ALE “Association of Telecom Operators” is submitted in free form with the obligatory indication of the desired membership status.
A candidate for membership of the ALE “Association of Telecom Operators” acquires the status of a member of the ALE “Association of Telecom Operators” from the moment he fully pays the entrance fee in the prescribed amount after the general meeting of members of the ALE “Association of Telecom Operators” decides to admit a candidate member of the ALE “Association of Telecom Operators” ”and, unless otherwise stipulated by the decision of the general meeting of members of the ALE “Association of Telecom Operators”, by which the corresponding candidate was accepted as a member of the ALE “Association of Telecom Operators”.