The Chamber of Commerce is established under the Law on Chamber of Commerce promulgated in 1995 and its relevant amendments and regulations of the Kingdom of Cambodia. Since then, the Phnom Penh Chamber of Commerce was established. By nature, Chamber of Commerce is a voluntary membership-based and is a not-for-profit institution representing private sector interests in commercial, industrial, service and agricultural sectors and dedicates to the economic well-being of their territory and of the country as a whole. Large, medium and small legal businesses from every profession across the nation could join the Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber of Commerce work to make their voice heard and contribute to the efficiency of the government, thus, making business environment friendlier to businesses.
Cambodia Chamber of Commerce (CCC) was established in 2005 with countrywide network and regional and global partnership. Currently, there are 18 Municipal-Provincial Chamber of Commerce under CCC namely: 1)Phnom Penh Chamber of Commerce, 2)Pusat Chamber of Commerce, 3)Prey Veng Chamber of Commerce, 4)Kampong Speu Chamber of Commerce, 5)Svay Rieng Chamber of Commerce, 6) Sihanoukville Chamber of Commerce, 7) Banttey Meacnchey Chamber of Commerce, 8) Koh Kong Chamber of Commerce, 9) Kampong Cham-Mondul Kiri Chamber of Commerce, 10) Kampot-Kep Chamber of Commerce, 11) Battambang Chamber of Commerce, 12) Siem Reap-Odor Meanchey Chamber of Commerce, 13) Kampong Thom-Preah Vihear Chamber of Commerce, 14) Kandal-Kampong Chhnang Chamber of Commerce, 15) Kratie-Stung Treng-Ratanak Kiri Chamber of Commerce, 16) Takeo Chamber of Commerce, 17) Tbong Kmum Chamber of Comerce, and 18) Pailin Chamber of Commerce.  CCC has maintained closed relation and engagement with international partners such as ASEAN-BAC, EABC, GMS-BC, ACMECS-BC, Mekong-Lancang BC, Mekong-Korea BC, ASEAN-ROK BC, ASEAN Manufacturers Network, etc. We work closely with foreign Embassies in the Kingdom of Cambodia as well as Cambodia Embassies abroad. As of May 2021, CCC signed more than 130 MOU’s and agreement of cooperation with local and international partner organizations. In 2018, 26 International Chamber of Commerce and Business Associations in Cambodia signed joint MOU’s to provide the CCC with authority to gain consensus and represent business associations in advocating with the Royal Government of Cambodia for specific issues that impact the entire private sector.
In accordance with Sub-decree 16 dated February 7, 2017 on the Organization and Functioning of CCC, the following roles are performed by CCC:
- Implements economic and trade policies;
- Provides recommendations on economy and investment to be submitted to the government;
- Being a negotiation partner with the government;
- Makes connection with the foreign-source economy and finance;
- Establishes and controls business and training institutes; and
- Cooperates with regional and global chambers of commerce.
CCC has assumed Secretariat Role of Private Sector Working Group of the Government Private Sector Forum (GPS-F) since 2011. As of now, there are 13 Working Groups of GPS-F namely:
- Agriculture and Agro-industry;
- Tourism;
- Manufacturing, SMEs and Related Service;
- Law, Tax, and Governance;
- Banks and Financial Services;
- Infrastructure and Transport;
- Export Processing and Trade Facilitation;
- Industrial Relation;
- Paddy and Rice; and
- Mine and Energy.
- Health
- Education
- Construction and Real Estate.
In addition, CCC is dialogue partner of General Department of Custom and Excise, General Department of Taxation and Phnom Penh Municipality Administration under the mechanism of Customs-Private Sector Partnership Mechanism (CPPM), General Department of Taxation-Private Sector Partnership Mechanism, and Phnom Penh Municipality-CCC Partnership Mechanism respectively.
CCC is sole organization in Cambodia recognized by GS1 international to provide Barcode issuance to enterprises in Cambodia since 2003. Members of GS1 Cambodia have business operation countrywide in various fields of manufacturing related such as food and beverage, cosmetic and materials. The enterprise size is from small to large both local and international ones.
CCC offers variety of services including one-on-one business matching, exhibition, business consultancy, legal compliance, and customized training.