Camera di Commercio Italo Cinese

Camera di Commercio Italo Cinese


About Camera di Commercio Italo Cinese

The Italian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (CCIC) is a mixed chamber made up of Italian and Chinese companies. It was established on October 16, 1970 to coincide with the re-establishment of diplomatic relations between Italy and the People’s Republic of China.

The CCIC is recognized by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development and adheres to the Union of Italian Foreign Chambers of Commerce. It is registered in the Register of Italian Foreign Chambers of Commerce (number 19). He is a founding member of the Italy-China Foundation and of the EU-China Business Association (EUCBA), the association that responds to the requests of the European Union towards the People’s Republic of China. It has ongoing relations with the Ministries, the Diplomatic Missions, the political and economic institutions of both countries.

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