It is great opportunity for us to welcome you on the Web site of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The purposeful policy conducting in the Republic of Uzbekistan basic priority of which is formation of proprietors’ class, creation of as much as possible favorable conditions for effective and dynamical development of the private sector, being by motive power of any market economy now.
The important role in decision making of the given tasks is allocated to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In present time the Chamber conducts the active work on support of subjects both small, and large business.
We would like to note with pride, that among our members such large organizations and the companies, as National Bank for Foreign Economic Activity of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Joint Stock Commercial Bank “AsakaBank”, “UzpromstroyBank”, “AgroBank”, “KapitalBank”, “QishloqqurilishBank”, Bank “Ipak Yo’li”, Joint-Stock Company “Dori-Darmon” and Joint Venture “Doiche Cable”, Joint Ventures “Alutex” and “Nestle”, Republican Universal Agro-indusrtial exchange, Joint Ventures “E’tiqod”, Stock company “Uzbektelecom”, the State Joint Stock Company “Uzprommashimpeks”, the State Joint Stock Company “Uzmarkazimpex”, the State Joint Stock Insurance Company “UzAgroSug’urta”, Joint Venture “Ipak Yo’li Turizm Invest”, Engineering Company “Qishloq Qurilish Invest” and many other companies intending for further development and perfection.
It is very pleasant to note, that the amount of members of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry is increasing daily, that imposes more responsibilities on us to our members. Today the Chamber works hard on expansion of spectrum of offering services and perfection of the quality of them so that representatives of business community and foreign investors could receive at any moment in any point of Uzbekistan the duly, competent assistance from experts of the Chamber and its divisions.
The site of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan is one of the tools of maintenance of continuous communication of the Chamber as with the members – entrepreneurs and partners, as foreign companies and partners. Here you can ask any interesting question concerning to various aspects of entrepreneurship, to gat the information about the last events in business-sphere, carrying out in the Republic and abroad, to receive the important information on legislative-normative documents in the field of business. We hope that you will find more interesting information that will be useful for your further work.
In the conclusion we want to wish for visitors of our site health, well-being and successes in business. We always with you