A history of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic.
On 24 December 1959 the Council of Ministers of the Kyrgyz SSR formed the Kyrgyz Republic Chamber of Commerce in order to develop economic relations with foreign countries and promote the improvement of domestic trade. It was formed as a self-supporting public organization and it was entrusted with the work of examining goods in the country.
1961 – Departments of scientific and technical translation and advertising were established in the structure of the Chamber.
1964 – The Osh bureau of commodity expertise was created.
1970 – The Chamber becoming the leading organization of the Republic in technical translations from foreign languages and the only organization carrying out the examination of foreign goods.
1972 – The Kyrgyz SSR began to participate in Soviet expositions at international fairs and exhibitions abroad as an independent section. This new direction of the Chamber’s activity allowed the arrangement of closer ties with the industrial enterprises of the republic and an increased reach in the international arena with them.
April 1972 – By the provision of The Council of Ministers of the Kirgiz SSR, the Chamber of Commerce of the Kirgiz SSR was transformed into a Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Kirgiz SSR and became a member of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the USSR.
13 April 1994 – The Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic adopted Law â„– 1460 “On the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic.”