About Us
The Chamber of Shipping of America (CSA) represents U.S. based companies that own, operate or charter oceangoing tank, container, or dry bulk vessels engaged in both the domestic and international trades and companies that maintain a commercial interest in the operation of such oceangoing vessels. Current members include companies that own or operate U.S. flag or foreign-flag vessels.
Our mission is to represent members’ interests regarding U.S. and International legislative, regulatory, and administrative entities.
Our vision is to be recognized as a primary organization representing, owners, operators, and charterers of U.S. and foreign flag vessels, before U.S. and international legislative, regulatory, and administrative entities.
We seek to achieve our mission and vision through the primary strategies of education, engagement, collaboration and alignment. At all times, we:
Strive to be technically correct
Act with integrity
Act as a proactive, professional organization to collaborate and engage with other industry associations
A Brief History
In tracing its lineage to the founding of the first American shipowners’ association in 1917, CSA is proud to live up to the intent of the original founders, i.e. to respond reactively to proposals, both legislative and regulatory, by the federal government and to proactively manage self-initiated issues developed by the members.
Who We Serve / Our Services
The simple reason for an owner or operator to be a member of the association is to ensure they have all the information necessary in order to understand the activities of government and the impact on their operations. That impact has grown over the years from activities of the federal government to include a major role for the international community through the International Maritime Organization and, of late, activities by individual states. Knowledge in the maritime business is an operational necessity and CSA membership can serve as a key aspect of how a company ensures they have all the information necessary to run their business and have the opportunity to engage in unified positions on issues of critical importance.
Location of Chamber
Washington, DC 20036