About Us
To its early credit, businesses such as Johnson Publication (Ebony), Johnson Hair Products and Soft Sheen Hair products were helped by the educational services and economic assistance provided by the Cosmopolitan Chamber. The education programs offered by The Chamber have helped many African Americans start and grow businesses in Chicago.
A Brief History
The Cosmopolitan Chamber is Chicago’s oldest African American Chamber of Commerce. Nationally, the chamber is considered the second-oldest; started as a successor to the Chicago Chapter of the National Negro Chamber of Commerce founded by Booker T. Washington.
Who We Serve / Our Services
We at the Cosmopolitan Chamber of Commerce continue to lead the way in creating meaningful opportunities for economic prosperity in Chicago’s minority community. Each day, we champion business growth and development. We advocate for greater supplier diversity. And most importantly, we support hundreds of small and emerging, minority and female-owned member businesses with the tools necessary for long-standing financial success.
At the Chamber, we work diligently to ensure that our members are well-informed and suitably equipped to compete in the larger business community and garner their fair share of the proverbial pie.
Without a doubt, we believe that our enduring commitment to provide financial empowerment to our members is the key reason joining the Chamber is such a remarkable opportunity. Don’t miss out. Join today!
Location of Chamber
1633 S Michigan Ave Chicago, Illinois, US 60616