European Business Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia (Eurocham Indonesia)

European Business Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia (Eurocham Indonesia)


Our Profile

About Us


EuroCham Indonesia aims to be the sole representative of European business interests in Indonesia. EuroCham Indonesia works to improve the policies and advocates improvements in strategic regulations for a better business environment in the country. It is the mission of the EuroCham Indonesia to serve the member-companies by being the voice of their business interests in Indonesia, through advocacy work and by lobbying on trade and investment related issues. Working alongside EIBN EuroCham Indonesia aims to improve market access for European companies through information sharing and a pro-active advocacy dialogue with the government of Indonesia, representing a pan-European industry voice.


  1. Developing dialogue and maintaining contact with high-ranking officials in Indonesia.
  2. Providing members with recent developments and fluctuations on business in Indonesia.
  3. Harmonizing the national chambers and business associations of the European Union (EU).

A Brief History

The EU trade with Indonesia has a complementarity nature and is beneficial for both sides. To show both economies commitment in strengthening the relationship, in July 2016 a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement was launched. The fifth round of CEPA negotiations was completed in July 2018. The negotiation report stated that the discussions were held in a very friendly atmosphere and recorded good progress on most chapters. The Indonesia-EU CEPA will cover various chapters including: trade in goods, trade in services, customs and trade facilitation, technical barriers to trade (TBT), investment, intellectual property, economic cooperations. It is foreseen that the agreement will cover a total of sixteen (16) chapters.

Who We Serve / Our Services

Being the member of EuroCham Indonesia means more than being a part of the game-changer through advocacy work done locally. Our members also enjoy the extensive connections and impressive visibility and exposure in Indonesia, across the region and Europe.


  • Participation at EuroCham’s Annual General Meeting
  • Cast a vote during the election of board members
  • Stand election for executive board member

Location of Chamber

World Trade Centre 5, 13th Floor
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 29 – 31
Jakarta, 12920 Indonesia

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