The Fukuoka Chamber of Commerce & Industry is located in the center of Fukuoka City, which is rapidly developing as a hub in Asia. This is a comprehensive and economic organization that was established in 1879 for the purpose of promoting the overall improvement and development of commerce and industry in Fukuoka, as well as contributing to the promotion of general social welfare and culture here.
Fukuoka City attracts an increasingly wide variety of international conventions, business meetings and events, thanks in large part to its excellent convention facilities and accessibility via numerous domestic and international air routes. Hakata Bay, a physical distribution base in Kyushu, has shipping routes leading to many countries and is still developing as an international port.
The FCCI’s important activities as a comprehensive economic body are to offer proposals, opinions and requests from various areas here to central and local governments and other related institutions while making efforts to bring about the essential improvement and development of regional businesses.
We would be very happy if we could help regional organizations to keep pace with the rapidly changing economic and social surroundings.