International Chamber of Commerce in Lebanon

International Chamber of Commerce in Lebanon


About us

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) – Lebanon is the Lebanese National Committee of ICC. Our mission is to achieve ICC objectives of trade facilitation and economic development. Furthermore, it represents the Lebanese private sector and strives for its enhancement. ICC-Lebanon was founded in 1973 in order to integrate Lebanon into the international Business Society.

Inspired by the vision and the values of ICC, the founder of ICC-Lebanon set the grounds to establish the Lebanese National Committee to become a voice of the private sector and the Lebanese economy in general in the international community.

ICC-Lebanon has been strongly committed since its inception, to the mission and the values of ICC, as we were keen to apply the standards and norms to promote international trade and to act in professionally, responsibly and always in strict adherence to the principles of business ethics.

ICC-Lebanon has maintained an excellent web of relationships with the private sector through the Lebanese economic organizations and associations. Its constant concern and commitment is to promote Lebanese products and support Lebanese businesses in exploring foreign markets to enhance two-way investments and enable them to better connect with their international counterparts. ICC has also played and continues to play a major role in addressing the problem faced by the Lebanese economy and seeking solutions with and for all stakeholders.

In addition, ICC maintains strong ties to the public sector through the Commission’s officers, by ensuring a permanent dialogue with the country’s leaders and taking the effective steps to tackle the difficulties, proposing solutions, presenting and supporting pertinent draft laws. It has proven to be and remains highly effective in this role inasmuch as it leverages its wide international connections and the support to the ICC as a world organization.

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