“We take care of entrepreneurship”
National Chamber of Commerce is the largest independent business organization in Poland. It was founded in 1990. It represents the largest number of entrepreneurs, joining nearly 160 business organizations.
67 Chambers industry
63 Chambers regional
21 Chambers bilateral
7 other organizations (associations, employers’ associations and foundations)
Strategic business areas
Polish entrepreneurs advocacy
National Chamber of Commerce is monitoring legislative activity Parliament, pass a set of demands to entrepreneurs Government, Parliament, the Office of the President and the EU bodies.
International cooperation
National Chamber of Commerce has cooperated with the Government (accompanying business delegations and representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs MPIT) and government agencies (PAIH, PARP, KOWR) within the framework of international projects.
Events KIG
m.in .: Innovative Economy Congress, the Forum of Young Entrepreneurs, Economic and Diplomatic Opening of the Year, the European Economic Meeting, meetings with representatives of Government, industry conferences, conferences and training.