New Jersey Chamber of Commerce

New Jersey Chamber of Commerce



The New Jersey Chamber of Commerce is a business advocacy organization that actively supports legislation, regulation and initiatives that will lead to economic growth, job creation and prosperity throughout the state.

The Chamber consistently works to improve New Jersey’s business climate and provide its members with opportunities to promote and grow their businesses.

These opportunities include networking with fellow members, meeting with key business and political leaders, leveraging special business service discount programs, and strategically positioning their companies at Chamber events.

Our lobbyists interact daily with key legislators in Trenton to discuss ways to ease the tax burden, reduce burdensome regulation and generate economic growth. Our location across the street from the State House enables our staff to react and mobilize quickly on our members’ behalf to the rapid events that unfold in the state’s capital. Our reach extends to Washington, where we represent our members in the halls of Congress and at the White House.

Members of the New Jersey Chamber represent every industry doing business in the state and include New Jersey’s most prestigious and innovative companies. Whether you own a business, represent one, lead a corporate office, or manage an association, the New Jersey Chamber of Commerce provides you with a voice of experience and influence in Trenton.

The Chamber also provides members with networking events that offer access to decision makers in Trenton as well as top business leaders across the state. We foster relationships between member businesses, so our members can do business with and learn from each other.  Other member benefits include our educational programs and money-saving discounts.

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