RAG Global Business Hub

RAG Global Business Hub


Known as a full-fledged business consultants in Dubai and company setup specialist, providing exceptional solutions to business aspirants seeking opportunities to kick start a company or venture in the UAE. RAG has become synonym for the swift service and support it is offering to business organizations.

We provide a wide range of solutions to investors seeking to establish a company in the UAE. If your goal is to set up a company within UAE and establish a talented team and a smooth operation RAG is your first choice. RAG provides a range of Company Formation, Consultancy, Business Setup, Visa process & PRO service that aim to support your all kinds of business activities in UAE.

Sheer transparency and professional touch – these are what we offer in terms of overall functions related your business support. Being gifted with successful and satisfied clients, our team strives to exceed the expectations they have and provides desired results in their respective business activities. We are specialized in providing company formation services, offering the quickest & easiest way to form ideas into practical.

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