Swabi Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Swabi Chamber of Commerce and Industry


Swabi Chamber of Commerce and Industry, registered under the Companies Act 2017 with SECP as Not for Profit – NPO to promote the trade, commerce, industry, and any combination of services thereof in district Swabi and adjoining areas.

It is licensed under the Trade Organizations Act and TORs -2013 of Directorate General Trade Organizations, Ministry of Commerce Islamabad, Pakistan, and considered as a regulatory authority for Pakistan based Trade Organizations i.e. Chambers of Commerce and Industries and all Trade Associations. Swabi Chamber of Commerce and Industry operates as a limited liability company and considers an apex body of the Ministry of Commerce to promote the business community interest and provide the framework guidelines for the implementation of federal and provisional government policies. As Trade Body the primary objective is to provide the facilitation and promotion of policy development.

The Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry –FPCCI registered the Swabi Chamber of Commerce and Industry as a legal trade body. As a businessmen association, we are vocal for the promotion of economic activities to develop the smart ecosystem through creativity and innovation.

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