Tennessee Chamber of Commerce & Industry

Tennessee Chamber of Commerce & Industry


Our Profile

About Us

We have full-time legislative experts in the areas of tax and public finance, workforce and education and congressional affairs, environment and energy regulations, economic development, small business and technology, plus labor relations, civil justice, and health care and workplace safety.

Over the years, the Tennessee Chamber has expanded its member benefits to include research and conferences to provide businesses with the vital information they need to operate as well as benefit programs that save businesses bottom line. Attorneys and specialists are used as sources to help our customers understand the laws and regulatory environment, thus keeping them on top of their industries and free from litigation.

A Brief History

The Tennessee Chamber is an organization with a long, proud history. It started in 1912, when 150 industrialists boarded a train in Chattanooga to head to Nashville. They were on a mission and it involved what they considered to be “unfair taxes.” They were led by a 20-piece brass band and made stops along the railroad route to pick up other businessmen.

They arrived in Nashville to find that trains from the other Grand Divisions of the state were here, bearing business leaders who all shared the same common purpose: create an organization to represent interests of the state’s businesses.

Who We Serve / Our Services


Year-round representation in Nashville by an experienced team of lobbyists
Critical input through committee participation, member surveys, and our grassroots network
Invitations to Tennessee Chamber events across the state.

Location of Chamber

414 Union Street, Suite 107
Nashville, TN 37219

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