
Co-Share Events

List your Chamber’s events on the Events Page and facilitate the co-sharing of your events with other Chambers’ members at a special rate.

Co-Share Venues

List your Chamber’s existing event venues on the venue page for co-sharing and allow other Chambers’ members to co-share their venues with your Chamber’s members at a special rate.

General Information

Chambers will be able to list down basic information such as their Address / Telephone / Fax Number / Email and URL which will be available for the general public to view on their very own home page thus providing ease of access and direct connectivity to the Chamber.

Social Media Link

Yes, we do see the importance and global reach of the various social media channels and we do agree that having a direct link to the Chamber’s various social media pages from the personal home page is crucial. We are pleased to offer you this special privilege.


All Chambers are given the opportunity to describe the range of services provided by their Chamber to their own members in up to 1,500 words in order to allow potential members discover their Chamber thru various online searches and to decide if this particular Chamber is suitable for their business needs. This description will be professionally presented on the Chamber’s very own home page.

Accolades & Awards

Chambers are able to showcase all their past accolades and awards received over the years for their services to the larger business communities. This will present a magnificent opportunity to the Chambers to demonstrate their capabilities and describe how they are able to assist their own Members.


All paid members will have to undergo a verification process wherein they will be required to submit their official legal documentation to be vetted by our legal team before their membership is verified and registered.

Contact Page Function

Visitors can directly contact and communicate with the Chambers thru the Chamber’s personal home page as any message sent thru this page will be auto-forwarded to the Chamber’s pre-appointed email address.

Review & Rating System

Transparency is key when it comes to long term viable business relationships. Visitors to the main Chamber page are allowed to post reviews and rate each Member Chamber, based on selected criteria. This necessary process will only serve to ensure that all Chambers continue to provide the best services to the best of their capabilities.

Chamber Key Feature

Every Chamber is unique in its own way. The services and benefits provided might vary from state to state and across the various regions. Go Chambers will provide the Chambers an avenue thru existing templates, to highlight all their Key Features so that potential Members are able to make an informed decision and are able to maximize the use of their Chamber Membership.

Chamber News Update

Visitors who are directed to the home page of the Chambers are able to access the latest updates on the Chambers and this is where special offers for Members and any potential reward schemes can be presented.

Chamber Gallery

Chambers are given an opportunity to upload photographs of events and unforgettable moments in their respective Chambers that they want the world to see. Being able to share vivid memories of past ceremonies and celebrations is definitely an added plus.

Business Matching

The main reason for Members joining any Chamber is to engage in networking activities and acquire more business opportunities. Go Chambers will provide the key component of a unique Business Matching Service through our newsletters as well as upon special request by Members of the Chambers.

Search Engine Optimization

Chambers will enjoy a 24/7 back-end support and will have a Search-Engine-Optimized personal home page incorporating 5 key-word searches, created and maintained for them to provide additional exposure and accessibility thru worldwide searches done by use of major search engines. Their home page will also contain a prominent back-end link to their own Chamber’s homepage so that potential members will be able to connect with them directly thru various channels. In addition to this, up to 15 events organized or hosted by the Chambers will be featured in the personal home page.

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