Bali Spa & Wellness Association

Bali Spa & Wellness Association


Programs and Initiatives

To meet its goals and objectives, the BSWA will develop a number of programs and initiatives. These include:

Regular monthly meetings for spa industry professionals with occasional guest speakers such as trainers, suppliers and tourist industry professionals
Creation of printed materials to educate visitors to Bali of the many health benefits of spa and provide recommendations in response to their needs and requests
Formulation of standards and practices to assist all spas in Bali to develop consistent standards of training, operations and administration, which will also benefit Balinese therapists wishing to pursue overseas job opportunities
Establishing lines of communication between the spa and wellness industry and other sectors of the tourism industry, especially the hotel industry (Bali Hotel Association) and the Ministry of Tourism, and work together to bring more tourists to Bali to enjoy the benefits of authentic spa therapies
A directory of resources of spas, suppliers, and other relevant information for members
Communication with local, national and international media to promote Bali’s spa and wellness industry

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