About Us
“A Collective Voice Advocating Growth and Prosperity”
The Conception Bay Area Chamber of Commerce is a not for profit organization dedicated to promoting, enhancing and facilitating business for our members and the communities for which they are in.
Membership Benefits
Stand out as a member of your community & increase your credibility when you identify as a member of the Conception Bay Area Chamber of Commerce.
It’s not just who you know, it’s who others can introduce you to. Start building real relationships with other business owners in the area at one of our networking events.
Member to member discounts increase your buying power. Businesses can offer a discount for products or services to other business owners and their employees through our M2M Pilot Program.
The Chamber only recommends it’s members. Take advantage of our free website listing and social media marketing. Event sponsorship and other advertising opportunities available.
Get a competitive edge with quality training & educational opportunities through the Chamber’s Professional Development
Sessions & Programs.