Indonesian Health Supplement Association (APSKI)

Indonesian Health Supplement Association (APSKI)



APSKI is the Association of Indonesian Health Supplement Entrepreneurs. This association was established on March 11, 1998 in Jakarta with the Aim and Purpose:

  • Promote cooperation and unity among health supplement entrepreneurs, and promote health supplement business in Indonesia.
  • Helping the public to understand health supplements and protect the public against mistreatment by companies or health supplement entrepreneurs.
  • Promote cooperation between health supplement entrepreneurs and retailers both conventionally and in direct sales.
  • Promote cooperation between health supplement entrepreneurs and the government.

The current number of members in the association is 51 companies consisting of Manufacture, Distributor and Raw Material Manufacturer or Distributor.

APSKI obtains funds from member contributions in the form of annual membership fee payments. Besides that, it also obtained funds from supporters in various activities carried out. Funds obtained are used to carry out association programs that benefit members.

Companies that can become a member of APSKI are companies engaged in the food supplement industry both as manufactures, distributors or supporting manufactures such as packaging or raw materials.

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