Malaysia Medical Device Manufacturer Association (PERANTIM)

Malaysia Medical Device Manufacturer Association (PERANTIM)


About Malaysia Medical Device Manufacturer Association (PERANTIM)


Medical Device industry is one of the most crucial economy contributors in Malaysia and one of the most robust and highest growth industry. The industry has waddled through various economic turns and hit with many pandemics only to emerge stronger and more vibrant. The growth is double digit providing thousands of jobs every year. Technology advancement and adoption, led by IoT and IR4.0, is rapid. Malaysia maintains strong reputation as the key medical manufacturing center in Asia and one of the world main exporter in high-quality medical device. PERSATUAN PENGILANG-PENGILANG PERANTI PERUBATAN MALAYSIA (PERANTIM) or MALAYSIA MEDICAL DEVICE MANUFACTURERS is the association in Malaysia whose members who are medical devices manufacturers with ISO13485 certification, export-oriented and majority (at least 51%) locally owned. Our objectives, vision and mission remains. PERANTIM wants to develop the Malaysian Medical Device manufacturing industry into one of the flagship economic sectors and to expand exports. PERANTIM will act as a platform to assist local Malaysian Medical Device manufacturers to voice out their concerns and to work alongside government agencies and other stakeholders to increase productivity, maximize output and improvise manufacturing processes in line with the government policies and technological advancement. Going forward, these are the activites the President and the Exco envision to execute:

  1. To closely work along with the government agencies, be part of policy making and providing necessary feedbacks and suggestions, assisting agencies in monitoring the market, acting as watchdogs, all for the betterment of the industry.
  2. To partake aggressively into the export promotion activities locally and internationally.
  3. To encourage more “Giving Back to Communities” and “Public Services” activities especially to stakeholders including University Students, Patients, Schools, and many others

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