The Santiago Chamber of Commerce

The Santiago Chamber of Commerce


Our History

The Chamber of Commerce of Santiago, was the initiative of a group of merchants from Santiago interested in defending the interests of the business and commercial community facing the economic and social needs of the time. Thus, on October 2, 1914, at a meeting at the offices of Augusto Espaillat and Sucs., Convened by the representatives of the commercial firms Batle and Vega, and, Victor F. Thomén, the institution is founded, which with a Clear sense of development and a legitimate interest in institutional progress, would ensure the solution to the problems of the business sector.

In the 1914-1924 decade, the services provided by the Chamber focused on solving the problems generated by the crisis of the First World War and then by the American intervention. The activities that received the most attention in the first years were the production and export of tobacco, the transport of goods, the modernization of agricultural techniques, training and animation activities, exhibitions and food fairs with national products. During the military intervention of the US government, the Chamber of Commerce, Agriculture and Industry (so called since March 1, 1917) consolidated its community leadership by its role as interlocutor in defense of its associates.

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