Was found in 1990 with 327 chamber members after separating from the province of Hakkari in December of 1989, and experienced 5 board changes until 2017. In July 1997, tradesman records of the district of Semdinli were taken from the Presidency of Hakkari Chamber of Commerce and Industry and added to our chamber. Today, our chamber has 171 members and 167 active members in the district of Şemdinli.
With 921 members as of 2017, our chamber continues its activities with 914 active members.
The Chamber continues to carry out its activities according to Article 4 of the law numbered 5174 with a view to meeting the common needs of its members, ensuring the development of the profession in accordance with its general interests, ensuring honesty and confidence in the relations among members as well as the relations with the public, protecting ethics and solidarity and fulfilling the functions mentioned in this law. The Chamber approves certificates of origin that are required during the commercial and industrial activities of its members as well as the invoice copies, the current prices, the characteristics of commercial and industrial commodity samples, the sole manufacturer and monopoly documents and the expert reports. The Chamber also makes the approvals and annotations showing the register of signatories mentioned in letters of guarantee and letters of undertaking, the approvals of bill guarantees. It issues industrial and commercial documents and capacity reports, allocation and expenditure certificates, quality competence and sample documents. The Chamber realizes the authentication of signature of our registered members. It issues chamber registration documents and gives copies of the chamber of commerce registration belonging to the members of the Chamber as well as member identity cards and domestic goods certificates.The Chamber also provides answers to written or oral questions related to the registry records that do not contain confidential information on businessmen dealing with trade and industry. It gives a certificate of registration for heavy equipment and provides all kinds of other commercial and industrial documents and information.